Blogging Article by: Roy Werner Karlsen
Welcome to Part 6 of the Become A Blogger Mini Course!
You are now getting closer to the "apex" of this mini course - to start making money from your blog.
But if you've read The Roadmap To Become A Blogger report, you'll know how important it is to first create massive value up front, before you can even start thinking about traffic generation techniques and making money from your blog.
But if you've followed all the steps up until now, and you've been faithful in generating lots of high value content for your audience, you are now in an excellent position to start getting floods of new traffic to your blog.
-------------------------------------------------- WARNING! Read This First... --------------------------------------------------
The traffic generation techniques I'm about to reveal to you are very powerful for helping you get hordes of new traffic to your blog.
The catch is that you first need to implement the previous lessons from this mini course.
By implementing the strategies and tips I've already given you this far, you will be a in a great position to take advantage of these powerful traffic generation techniques.
But if you have not "done your bit" yet, the following techniques won't be as effective for you.
So, make sure you go through the previous lessons again, and make sure you "checked all the boxes" for making your blog a resounding success!
With that out of the way, let's jump straight into what's coming up...
Generating traffic for your blog is no small topic. And that is why I have decided to break this part of the mini course into three lessons.
Here's what you'll get inside each of these three lessons...
*** Traffic Generation Lesson 1 ***
- The 4 Cornerstone Principals Of Long Term Traffic Generation...
- The 4 Main Ways Of Getting Traffic To Your Blog...
*** Traffic Generation Lesson 2 ***
- Five Quick And Dirty Tips For Creating Multiple Streams Of Traffic To Your Blog...
- Four Powerful Long Term Strategies For Attracting Floods Of Fresh New Traffic To Your Blog...
*** Traffic Generation Lesson 3 ***
- 11 Amazing Tips To Help You Get Zero-Cost Traffic From Search Engines...
- How To Make Sure You Stay On The Right Track...
- Your Action Plan For Super Boosting Traffic To Your Blog...
Today's email will cover the first lesson, and then the subsequent two emails will go into the information for lesson 2 and 3 above.
After that, we'll finally get into the final topic for this mini course - how to monetize your blog!
Ok, are you ready? Let's get into it...
-------------------------------------------------- The 4 Cornerstone Principals Of Long Term Traffic Generation... --------------------------------------------------
The number one biggest issue for successful online businesses is that of attracting a sustainable, long term stream of high quality traffic.
But before you can even start thinking about generating traffic to your blog, there are 4 key principals that you need to know about.
With these 4 cornerstone principals as your base you will be in a much stronger position to drive a truckload of highly qualified traffic to your blog again and again.
Here are the 4 principals...
-------------------------------------------------- Cornerstone Traffic Principle #1 - Content Is Your Currency! --------------------------------------------------
If you've been online for a while I'm sure you will have heard the phrase "Content Is King".
That's very true of course, especially when it comes to successful blogging.
But, not only is content king online, but it's also the major "currency" for helping you "buy" people's attention, and driving insane amounts of traffic back to your blog.
And it's not just any kind of content either.
Your content needs to be valuable as perceived by your audience. In the end, if your audience, does not think that your content is valuable, they won't be coming back to your blog, and telling all their friends about it too - which is what you want of course!
So, this is really the starting point of all traffic generation for your blog. And this also happens to be one of the few ways that you can truly stand out from the rest of the thousands of other bloggers in the blogosphere.
Inside part 4 of this mini cruse, I outlined various strategies to help you create powerful content to help you stand out from the crowd.
So, with that information at your side, you are now in an excellent position to keep on pumping out amazing content that will ultimately help you attract a substantial and sustainable level of traffic to your blog.
-------------------------------------------------- Cornerstone Traffic Principle #2 - The Importance Of Providing Amazing Value Up Front... --------------------------------------------------
I've already touched on the importance of providing massive value for your audience through your blog, but this is such an important issue, that I decided to add this as another Cornerstone Principle.
Once again, the important thing here is that you create content that is perceived as valuable by our audience - the people who come to visit your blog.
And the best way to find out exactly what this is, is to simply ask people what they want to learn about, and then giving it to them.
A few days ago, I interviewed the world's most well known professional blogger, Darren Rowse from - he told me that one of the best ways of creating content for your blog is to simply respond to questions you get from the people who visit your blog.
This is such a simple piece of advice, but don't underestimate it's power. After all, this advice comes straight from the world's number one professional blogger!
If you can go out of your way to provide exceptionally high value content to your readers, you will already stand head and shoulders above most other bloggers online.
-------------------------------------------------- Cornerstone Traffic Principle #3 - The Importance Of Building Conversations And Relationships --------------------------------------------------
Becoming successful as a blogger online is very similar to becoming successful in ANY undertaking.
Often it's more about WHO you know and not so much WHAT you know, and especially the KIND of relationship you have with those people WHOM you know.
The great thing about blogging, is that it's the *ultimate* way of building long lasting relationships with real people all over the world.
And that's the way you should look at it. Look at your blog as a super relationship building tool. The stronger the relationships you have with people who come to visit your blog online, the more successful you will become.
And how do you build strong relationships using your blog?
Well, first by providing massive value upfront (as I've been hammering into you throughout this course), and second, by engaging people in a live conversation, using your blog as the medium to communicate with.
It's really that simple!
If you can convince people that you truly care about them, and if you respond to them via blog comments and the content that you create, eventually you will become seen as the trusted authority, and people will start seeing you as the "go-to" person for your niche.
Once you have THAT kind of status, you will be in a very powerful position to achieve all kinds of magical things... including making money from your blog!
-------------------------------------------------- Cornerstone Traffic Principle #4 - Setting Up Multiple Communication Channels --------------------------------------------------
Building Relationships is key for the success of your blog, but you also need to create what's called multiple "communication channels" to your blog to ENABLE the conversion and relationship building mentioned before.
The general idea here is to create as many "communication channels" as possible. The more channels you create, the more opportunity you will create for others to find your blog and to start interacting with your content and to join in the overall conversation.
Inside Traffic Generation Lesson 2 (the lesson after this one), I will show you some very neat strategies for creating tons of these "communication channels" all of them feeding traffic back to your blog. But before we can get into the details of these strategies, we first need to go over...
-------------------------------------------------- The 4 Main Ways Of Getting Traffic To Your Blog... --------------------------------------------------
Believe it or not, but there are only 4 main ways of getting traffic to your blog.
These are:
1. Buying Traffic 2. Borrowing Traffic 3. Attracting Traffic Organically 4. And Getting Traffic From Search Engines
Let's now have a look at each of these four areas...
-------------------------------------------------- Traffic Getting Way #1 - Buying Traffic --------------------------------------------------
Buying traffic is possibly one of the most popular ways of getting traffic online.
A likely reason for this is because this method of traffic generation is fast, and it's also relatively easy to set up.
But of course, there is a catch...
This method costs money! Duh!
And if you're not careful, you can end up spending a lot of money or programs such as Google Adwords and other similar "pay-per-click" advertising methods without even getting great results.
Another big issue is that pay-per-click advertising is normally much better suited for web pages with very specific content that matches the tag line for the pay-per-click ad.
Of course, your blog will have a lot of other content on it too, and would therefore make something like pay-per-click ads perform very poorly.
So, inside this course, I won't go into much detail for showing you how to set up strategies for buying traffic. All the methods I'll show you will be either no-cost or low cost strategies, and will provide you with a much more long term sustainable stream of quality traffic.
-------------------------------------------------- Traffic Getting Way #2 - Borrowing Traffic --------------------------------------------------
Borrowing traffic is one of the easiest ways of helping you create multiple channels of traffic back to your blog.
These are the kind of strategies that are fairly quick and easy to implement, but can take time to show you significant results.
Over the long term though, these kind of strategies can help you generate a steady flow of traffic to your site. So they are definitely worth pursuing.
The great thing about borrowing traffic is that you can leverage the traffic from other popular sites and attempt to direct a slice of that traffic back to your own blog.
When we get to the strategies part in the next lesson, I'll go into much more detail of how you can achieve this...
-------------------------------------------------- Traffic Getting Way #3 - Attracting Traffic Organically --------------------------------------------------
If you are in this for the long run, attracting traffic organically will be your most powerful way of generating traffic to your blog. But it may also be the most challenging way!
It basically involves creating massive value upfront using various methods, and then just as a beautiful flower attracts more bees than ugly ones do, so too will your blog attract a lot more high quality visitors - the kind of visitors who come back to your blog again and again, and tell all their friends about it.
The great thing about this method is that it allows you to create a massive leverage machine that will help you drive floods of traffic to your blog for years to come. You create the value ones, but you reap the benefits over and over.
But I'll also go into much more detail for this method to show you exactly how you too can set yourself up for this kind of traffic.
-------------------------------------------------- Traffic Getting Way #4 - Getting Traffic From Search Engines --------------------------------------------------
Finally, there is traffic from search engines like,, and a few others.
There are a few clever techniques that you'll need to implement to help optimize your blog for searcg engines. But overall, if you just create consistently valuable content for your blog, you will have gone a long way to "please" the search engines and increasing your chances of getting ranked in popular keyword search results.
The thing with search engines like Google, is that their number one goal is to provide THEIR audience with a pleasurable experience when using their service.
In others words, when people use a service like, they want to make sure that whenever someone does a search for a certain set of keywords, the most relevant and useful results will come up.
The algorithms that these search engines use are extremely advanced, and can easily tell when people are trying to "beat the system".
But if you just create relevant and useful content consistently, the search engines will eventually pick up on that, and start ranking you really well for your relevant keywords.
This will just happen automatically over time.
Many successful blogs get around 50% of their traffic from search engines, so you really want to get this part of the equation right too.
But inside lesson 3 coming up soon, I will show you some powerful things you could do to ensure you get a significant amount for your traffic from search engines.
And that brings us to the end of today's lesson.
The intention of today's lesson was really just to introduce you to the main concepts underlying powerful traffic generation techniques and strategies.
Inside the next two lessons, you'll be given some hard and fast strategies to help you drive insane amounts of traffic to your blog.
So, stay tuned...
Talk soon!
Roy Werner Karlsen
Become A Blogger
Part 6 of 7
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