onsdag 17. oktober 2012

How to become a blogger: Part 1

Article by: Roy Werner Kalsen

Today, I'd like to introduce you to part 1 (of 7 parts) of the new Become A Blogger Mini Email Course.

Don't worry, it won't cost you a cent. It's just my way of saying thank you that you've taken the time out to have a look at The Roadmap To Become A Blogger Report.

You can use these 7 lessons as a companion to The Roadmap To Become A Blogger Report to help you take action and implement the strategies and speed up your results...

Let's have a look at a summary of what you'll get inside this exciting new mini course:

- Part 1: What the heck is a blog anyway and why you should bother setting up your own blog?

- Part 2: How to select the best possible topic for your own blog...

- Part 3: How to optimize your blog for both search engines, as well as your visitors - this will help you get more traffic later on...

- Part 4: Magical content creation tips that will let you crank out content like a professional author on steroids - If you're stuck for ideas on creating content, this part will just blow you away!

- Part 5: How to boost the effectiveness of your blog using clever multimedia tricks and tools...

- Part 6: How to drive hoards of new traffic to your blog using sneaky little traffic generation methods and tactics...

- Part 7: How to create multiple streams of income from your blog...

I think you'll find Part 7 of this mini course most interesting. All the previous parts build on each other, and climaxes in this final part. But before I reveal too much, let's get right into the first part of this course...

So, in today's lesson, you'll learn about the following:

- What A blog really is and how to get your head around this whole blogging thing...

- Why you need to set up your own blog if you haven't done so already...

By the end of today's lesson, you'll have a much greater understanding of what blogging really is and how you can benefit from it in this increasingly fast paced world of the "blogosphere".

So, let's get straight into it...

1. What A blog really is and how to get your head
around this whole blogging thing...

So what the heck is a blog anyway?

If you're new to the blogging world, you may still be wondering what on earth a blog actually is.

And you may even feel a little embarrassed or even ashamed when others talk about blogs and you don't really know what they're talking about.

Well, don't feel bad, because I'll now help you demystify this whole blogging thing once and for all...

The word "blog" is short for "weblog", and it's a term that was created for a special kind of website that essentially helps you write down a "log" of...stuff... well, anything really!

In the "old" days (just a few short years ago now) a lot of people used blogs as a type of online journal where they could write down whatever happened in their lives, and share it with their friends and family.

And this still happens today. But, nowadays, blogs are the most popular type of website on the internet - for both people, as well as for search engines - but more on this soon...

People now use blogs to publish content related to any and every topic you could imagine, ranging from how to raise kids to internet marketing to personal development - in fact, almost any topic that you can conceive of.

A blog is really just a special kind of website that lets you easily publish content whenever you want and allowing other people to interact with your content in the form of writing comments in response to whatever you published.

So, it's quite different from the stuffy old "static" websites that do not change their content as a general rule of thumb. Blogs are a lot more fluid and interactive than the normal "old school" websites... and much more effective too!

But why have blogs become so extremely popular in the recent past?

Well, there are at least three reasons...

a. Blogs are popular with the search engines.

Because blogs get updated with new content so often, search engines lists them very high up on their search results.

This means that blogs are likely to get more traffic than normal "static" websites because more people can find them quickly and easily in search engines like Yahoo and Google.

Now, if you were a website owner, which would you prefer? A stuffy old static website that does not change and does not get listed in the search engines, or a vibrant ever changing interactive blog that gets listed in the major search engines?

Easy decision right?

b. Another main reason is because blogs are interactive.

Whenever you visit a blog, you can read the original post by the author of the blog, and then you can also submit a comment expressing your own thoughts on what the blog post was about.

When other people join the "conversation", things can get very interesting, and you could end up with a very exciting collection of thoughts from people from all over the world.

Because conversation in itself creates a bit of "drama", people naturally get attracted to it, and want to be a part of it. And thus, the more people who do this, the faster this whole blogging thing grows.

c. And of course, blogs have got to be one of the easiest kind of websites to set up.

Believe it or not, but you don't actually need any technical knowledge such as html programming and a lot of money to be able to set up your own blog.

If you can click a few buttons and type letters on your keyboard, that's all you need for setting up your very own blog.

And in some cases, you could even set up a new blog in a matter of minutes!

In fact, we've created 10 complimentary videos that show you exactly how to set up your very own blog using the very popular and powerful WordPress blogging platform. If you want to check them out, simply visit:


They don't cost a thing either.

But these are only three of many reasons why blogs are so popular, and there are many other reasons as well and I'll leave you to explore those for yourself.

So, in summary, a blog is really just a special kind of website that allows you to easily add content, and get other people from all over the world to absorb and interact with your content on the internet.

Ok, so now that you know in a bit more detail about what a blog actually is, let's move onto the next point...

2. Why you need to set up your own blog if you

haven't done so already...

At this stage, you might be wondering why YOU should be setting up your own blog.

And you're probably thinking, "Why should I bother? What are the benefits of having my own blog? What's in it for me?".

Well, here are a few benefits of setting up and running your own blog:

a. It's fun and fuflilling!

b. It's easy to set up!

c. It allows you to create a following and therefore the ability to influence others on a massive scale.

d. And, you can make money from it - and lots too! But only if you know how!

Let's now look at each one of these benefits in some more detail...

First, it's fun!

Blogging has got to be one of the best ways that you can express yourself on the internet.

It's a place where you can call your own shots and express the views that you have about any topic.

[My disclaimer: Of course I'm assuming here that you'll only be blogging about legal stuff!]

As you start growing a following for your blog, it becomes really fun interacting with people from all over the world with the same interests as yourself.

In many cases, you'll meet people through your blog that could open up many other opportunities for you.

For example, if you have another website where you're selling a digital product, you may meet a potential joint venture partner who may be willing to promote your products.

This is not uncommon, and in fact, we use it as an active strategy for enlisting joint venture partners for many of our own product launches. For our recent launch, we enlisted over 700 people that helped promote our new course.

It really is a very powerful tool in that sense, other than being totally fun of course.

Second, blogs are really easy to set up.

You don't even need to have a technical qualification to set up your own blog. It really is one of the easiest things to do online these days.

As I mentioned before, if you can click a few buttons, and type, you can pretty much call yourself a blogger.

The videos that we created for you on becomeablogger.com shows you exactly, step by step how to install your blog.

We've already had thousands of people go through our videos, and we've have had an overwhelming positive response from people all over the world saying how easy the videos are to follow.

So if you haven't viewed the videos and set up your own blog yet, I suggest you head on over to becomeablogger.com, and start the process as soon as possible.

Third, a blog allows you to create a following and the ability to influence others on a massive scale.

I've kinda touched on it before, but by running a successful blog, you can have a HUGE influence on the people in the niche area that you're blogging about.

Take Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs-Journey.com for example. He currently has a following of over 50,000 people.

So, every time he writes a new post, over 50,000 people will get to see his post almost instantly. And in the niche that he's in, that can be a very powerful and influencial thing indeed.

Everytime he wants to promote a new product, he simply blogs about it, and get an instant stream of traffic to whatever new product he is promoting - and hence sales.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. I'll be covering more about these kind of strategies a bit later on.

Even if you don't want to use blogging to make money, you can use it as a tool to influence others.

If you're really passionate about a topic, like alternative energy sources for example, you can write compelling articles about it on your blog, build your own following, and provide people with insights into your own research, opinions and conclusions.

Over time you'll become known as the expert in your field and people will start contacting you for interviews and advice about your topic of interest.

I hope you can see that blogging can be a very powerful tool indeed - the bottom line is that you can use blogging to get a following and influence others to take a certain action - like buying your products or doing something good for the environment for example.

And fourth and finally, you can make money from blogging - and lots too! But only if you know how!

If you know what you're doing, you can make a decent income from blogging. And over the following few weeks, you'll be finding out exactly how to do that with your very own blog too!

Yaro currently makes around $350,000 per year from his blogging and related activities. And there are plenty of other bloggers who make similar amounts of money too, and even more.

There are so many different ways of making money from your blog, but we'll be covering this in a lot more detail in part 7 of this mini course. So make sure you stay tuned for this a bit later on.

There are a number of really great reasons why you should be setting up your own blog if you haven't done so already.

All you have to do, is head on over to becomeablogger.com, and watch the complimentary videos that show you exactly how to set it all up.

You should have your very own blog set up within no time at all!

Inside the next part of this mini course, I'll reveal how you can select the best possible topic for your own blog.

I think you'll discover some amazing insights inside the second part that Yaro and myself discovered through many hours of trial and error over the last few years.

So, stay tuned for a lot more great information coming your way!

Here's to your blogging success!

Roy Werner Karlsen
become a blogger

PS: Before you select a domain name for your blog, maybe wait for the second part of this mini course first.

It will help you figure out what kind of topic you should be blogging about. And this will help you select a more appropriate domain name for your blog too.

But if you've already secured your domain name, don't stress about it. It's not too big a deal in the long run.

Part 1 of 7

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